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11 November 2024 - 14 November 2024
Düsseldorf, Germany
MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event 2024
Register now
Open until 13 November 2024

Digi-Start-up Pitch

Startups interested in presenting their ideas through a pitch are invited to apply by 15th October 2024

Please send a meaningful pitchdeck to medica2024@zenit.de.

Please make sure that the pitchdeck contains at least information on the following aspects:

  • Problem
  • Solution / Value Proposition
  • Business Modell
  • Competition
  • Marketing Plan
  • Founding Team
  • (If relevant) Fundraising
  • (If relevant) Financial / Use of Funds

Important: Please add information on the partner you are looking for or - if relevant - the amount of funding you are looking for on your last slide and make it as concrete as possible. Like that, other participants will know much easier if you are a possible partner for them or not (for example: We look for an investor and need 200.000 EUR, we look for a partner for use cases, we are looking for a distribution partner in the following countries with the following background, we are looking for technical partners with the following expertise to improve the product, etc.)

If you need more details, check this page:

Horizon Europe Health Pitch

Organisations looking for consortium partners or project leaders for the upcoming HORIZON EUROPE HEALTH calls are invited to apply by 31th October 2024

Please send a meaningful pitchdeck to medica2024@zenit.de.

Please make sure that the pitchdeck contains at least information on the following aspects:

  • Call ID
  • Closing Date
  • Presentation of your own organisation, possibly by existing partners
  • Type and role of partner sought (expertise, experience, etc.)

If you need more details, check this page:

Düsseldorf, Germany
Organised by